Kerala Achieves Breakthrough in Brain AVM Treatment Without Skull Surgery

വിജ്ഞാന സമൂഹത്തിലേക്കുള്ള ശാക്തീകരണപാതയിൽ ഉന്നത വിദ്യാഭ്യാസ രംഗം

A new treatment method for Brain AVM (Arteriovenous Malformation), a serious condition and a leading cause of cerebral haemorrhage in young people, is now available at Kozhikode Medical College. The procedure, known as Transvenous Root Embolization, has been introduced by the Interventional Radiology Department. This advanced treatment method is rarely used in India and represents a significant step forward in managing this life-threatening condition.A brain AVM (Arteriovenous Malformation) is a rare vascular disorder in which abnormal connections between the brain's arteries and veins cause bleeding. Unlike haemorrhages caused by high blood pressure or injury, brain AVM-related bleeding often occurs without any warning signs, making timely diagnosis and treatment more challenging. This condition disrupts normal blood flow and oxygen delivery in the brain, leading to weakened blood vessels that are prone to rupture. While uncommon, brain AVM is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition that requires prompt medical attention. The primary treatment for brain AVM, a condition characterised by tangled blood vessels, was traditionally complex open-skull surgeries, known as craniotomy. While these procedures were effective in addressing the condition, they carried significant risks. These included a higher likelihood of infection, prolonged recovery periods, and potential complications arising from the exposure of brain tissue during surgery. Transvenous route embolization is an advanced, minimally invasive treatment for brain AVM that eliminates the need for open-skull surgery. The procedure is performed by accessing a blood vessel in the leg and using a catheter to navigate to the affected area in the brain. In traditional methods, the catheter is passed through the arteries supplying blood to the brain to control excessive bleeding. However, in transvenous embolization, the catheter is guided through the veins responsible for returning blood from the brain, allowing for effective and targeted treatment while minimising risks. With the introduction of transvenous route treatment alongside arterial treatment, 95% of brain AVM cases can now be cured through embolization by completely avoiding the need for open-skull surgery. Kozhikode Medical College has successfully implemented this cutting-edge procedure, offering a high success rate and minimal complications. This momentous advancement signals a new chapter in Kerala’s healthcare journey, redefining the approach to treating life-threatening brain conditions and setting a groundbreaking precedent for the future of medical care.


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Kerala Achieves Breakthrough in Brain AVM Treatment Without Skull Surgery